
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Easter Blog Hop March 24-25 Day 2

                                             Memories In Tyme Blog Hop
Welcome to the Easter Blog Hop, a celebration of cards, layouts, gifts and decorations made and shared.  I hope you enjoy all the great projects that are in our hop.

My project is an April mini album. Hope you like it.

Please don't forget to visit the other hop stops and please come back again real soon for more great projects.
Here's a list of the entire hop:

1.  Lynda J - You came from here!!!
2.  Lisa - You are here!!!
3. Jamie - You go here next!!!

Destination Blog Hop March 24-25 Day 2

Welcome to our adventure! We're off to see great things! Perhaps by car, train, or plane, or maybe by boat, no matter what-it'll be a great trip! No pesky security pat downs, or pesky luggage to deal with, or those extra fees that seem to mount up!
You won't need your cameras, or money for gas, but you will want to watch for souvenirs to pick up! So grab your favorite drink and curl up and make yourself comfortable! No need to share your seat unless you've invited guests to take part!
Here at our ports of call, you'll need to leave your comments! Many of them will offer souvenirs (blog candy) and here at mine- lots to be had!
1. A Destination Cricut Cartridge
2. A travel album filled with embellishments to remember your trip
3. Misc. goodies too numerous to mention!
Now be sure to be a follower of my blog! It's easy you'll see, just click on the link! Leave your comments at every port! They've worked really hard make your trip pleasurable!
Here's the entire itenery in case you get lost!
Tricia ~ You came from here!!!
Michelle- You go here next!!!

But leisure at each port and enjoy where you are! Here at my port we're in a cruise that will take me anywhere but home.
Thanks for visiting us today!  You're next port will be: Michelle-
Our travel director- Janet will pick the winners of the prizes Monday!
Thanks for stopping by and please stop again real soon for more great projects.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Disney's Animated Movies Blog Hop March 24, 2012

If you are here for one of the other two hops, please scroll down to the next two postings!  
Welcome to Walt Disney's Animated Movies Blog Hop!!! What makes this hop phenomenal as in no other hop is that every Friday, we will be paying tribute to different movies SOOOO, you will need to mark you calendars for every Friday for these special blog hops:

March 23: Cinderella
March 30: Alice in Wonderland

Today, we are celebrating all those cute characters that come alive on the screen. If you just happened to visit me today, I wouldn't want you to miss one chime of the clock and would want you to start with Lisa at You are at the right spot!!!!

My project today is a one page layout. Hope you like it.
There is a great line-up today for the hop and I wouldn't want you to miss a single spot:

Cinderella Blog Lineup:
  1. Lisa - You are here!!!
  2. Barbara- You go here next!!!
  3. Anita -
  4. Kimblerly -
  5. Lynne -
  6. Jearise -

You are probably wondering if there is going to be a prize for this hop. There is. It will be a Disney animated movie but I will reveal as to which movie it is going to be at a later time. To be eligible for this prize, you have to follow my blog and everyone else's blog that is in this hop. You also must leave me and the other wonderful ladies a comment in order to qualify for the prize. The grand prize will be awarded at the end of this month. You get one entry for each of the 4 blog hops during the series of Walt Disney Animated Movies Blog Hops during each of the Friday's in the month of March. So if you just choose one of the Fridays to attend, you would only get one entry but if you choose to attend all four hops during the month of March, you get a bonus entry since you came to all four hops, then you will receive 4 + 1 entries, which makes your chance of winning the movie go up with each entry.

Thanks for stopping by today and visiting and checking out my project, I now must send you on your way but watch out for the wicked stepmother and step sisters as I send you on to Barbara- Please stop back again real soon for another great project.

Destination Blog Hop March 24 - 25 Day 1

Welcome to our adventure! We're off to see great things! Perhaps by car, train, or plane, or maybe by boat, no matter what-it'll be a great trip! No pesky security pat downs, or pesky luggage to deal with, or those extra fees that seem to mount up!

You won't need your cameras, or money for gas, but you will want to watch for souvenirs to pick up! So grab your favorite drink and curl up and make yourself comfortable! No need to share your seat unless you've invited guests to take part!

Here at our ports of call, you'll need to leave your comments! Many of them will offer souvenirs (blog candy) and here at mine- lots to be had!
1. A Destination Cricut Cartridge
2. A travel album filled with embellishments to remember your trip
3. Misc. goodies too numerous to mention!

Now be sure to be a follower of my blog! It's easy you'll see, just click on the link! Leave your comments at every port! They've worked really hard make your trip pleasurable!

Here's the entire itenery in case you get lost!
Tricia ~ You came from here!!!
Michelle- You go here next!!!

But leisure at each port and enjoy where you are! Here at my port we're in:
Scottland, part of my family's heritage started here. Hope you enjoy the card I made with a little Scottish bagpiper on it.

Thanks for visiting us today!  You're next port will be: Michelle-

Our travel director- Janet will pick the winners of the prizes Monday!

Thanks for stopping by and please stop again real soon for more great projects.

Easter Blog Hop March 24, 2012

                                                    Memories In Tyme Blog Hop
Welcome to the Easter Blog Hop, a celebration of cards, layouts, gifts and decorations made and shared.  I hope you enjoy all the great projects that are in our hop.  

My project is a 2 page layout.  Hope you like it.

Please don't forget to visit the other hop stops and please come back again real soon for more great projects.

Here's a list of the entire hop, in case you get lost along the way or want to revisit anyone (please note that the following links will take you directly to each participants post if you are joining the hop later in the week!!):

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Down At Fraggle Rock Blog Hop 3/23/12

Are you ready to dance your cares away --- then lets go to Fraggle Rock with Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober and Red. This was a children's live action puppet television program series created by Jim Henson. The central characters were a set of "Muppet" creatures called Fraggles.

The music starts in the opening scene with you seeing Doc, an inventor, and his loving dog, Sprocket. Sprocket chases Uncle Matt, a Fraggle, as he explores "Outer Space" and sends picture post cards to the Fraggles. Uncle Matt explores Outer Space through a crack in the wall.

Fraggles are humanoid creatures, about 18 inches tall with fur in a wide variety of colors and a tail like a lion’s, with a tuft of fur on the end. They live in a network of caves called Fraggle Rock, populated by a variety of creatures, and seeming to connect to at least two different worlds in separate dimensions of time and space. Fraggles spend much of their carefree lives in play, exploring their worlds, and generally enjoying themselves. However, at the same time they maintain a complex culture and society, with each individual having rights and responsibilities. They have basic skill with tools and with crude machinery, and the concept of war is known to them (although wars between Fraggles are very rare). Fraggles live on a diet of vegetables, especially radishes. If individuals touch their heads together before falling asleep they can “share dreams.”

Within Fraggle Rock lives a second species of small humanoid creatures, the pudgy, green, ant-like Doozers. Standing only 6 inches tall (knee-high to a Fraggle), Doozers in a sense represent anti-Fraggles; their lives are dedicated to work and industry. Doozers spend much of their time busily constructing all manner of scaffolding throughout Fraggle Rock using miniature construction equipment and wearing hard-hats and work boots. No one but the Doozers themselves seem to understand the actual purpose of their intricate and beautiful constructions.

Often they accompany their building with marching songs and various Doozer chants. To ensure that they always have a steady stream of work to do, Doozers build their constructions out of an edible candy-like substance (manufactured from radishes) which is greatly enjoyed by Fraggles. They actually want the Fraggles to eat their constructions because "architecture's supposed to be enjoyed" and also so they can go on to build again. This is essentially the only interaction between Doozers and Fraggles; Doozers spend most of their time building, and Fraggles spend much of their time eating Doozer buildings.

On the outside of another exit from Fraggle Rock, through a well, live a family of Gorgs, giant furry humanoids standing 22 feet tall. The husband and wife of the family call themselves the King and Queen  of the Universe, with their son Junior as its Prince and their heir, but to all appearances working as simple farmers with a hut and garden patch. The Gorgs regard Fraggles as pests, which steal radishes from their garden. In one episode it is revealed that the Gorgs use radishes to make "anti-vanishing cream" that prevents them from becoming invisible. So the three main races of the Fraggle Rock universe — Fraggles, Doozers and Gorgs — are all dependent on the radishes for different reasons. While the King and Queen consider the Fraggles disgusting vermin, Junior enjoys chasing, catching and keeping them like a boy would lizards and bugs. Junior has no friends, and perhaps pursues the Fraggles just so he has someone to talk to.

Marjory, The Trash Heap is a wise being (referred to as an "oracle"), serves as the garbage dump of the Gorgs. She and her heckling heralds live near the Gorg's garden, and she gives the Fraggles guidance and advice, which the Fraggles regard with reverence, although they do not worship her. She also appears to have some magical abilities (specifically telepathy and the ability toteleport items or Fraggles), although she does not often use them. Sometimes she knits to pass the time. She has an uncle named Maximillian, whom she refers to as "Uncle Max". Jerry Nelson voiced Marjory the Trash Heap.

Let's dance our cares away and go down to Fraggle Rock now that you know the characters and have fun with this wonderful line up --- if you were just visiting one of the many worlds of Fraggle Rock today, aka me, I don't want you to miss any of this silliness and start at the beginning of our hop with Lynne at You should have arrived with or without radishes from Kimberly ~

My project is a 2 page layout. Hope you like it.

We've danced, tasted the doozers buildings but now it is time to check out another world with Vicki being sure to chart your journey and leave your discoveries along the way with your comments.

Thanks for visiting me today. I hope you will be back real soon for another great project.